Cannabidiol (CBD) interacts with the “CB 1” and “CB 2” receptors of your endocannabinoid system, which are found in different tissues and organs of the body.

  • “CB 1” receptorsare found primarily in the central nervous system, salivary glands, kidneys, liver, and ovaries or testicles. These receptors are directly involved in the regulation of pain, memory, appetite and mood. According to data from recent studies, CBD does not interact directly with “CB 1” receptors, but it modulates their activity by inhibiting anandamide, the enzyme that degrades endocannabinoids produced naturally by the body.
  • CB 2 receptorsare mainly found in immune cells, liver cells and blood vessels. They are involved in the regulation of inflammation, pain, immune response and the diameter of blood vessels, which also explains the beneficial action of legal cannabis, hemp and cannabidiol in people suffering from chronic or acute arterial hypertension. CBD acts directly on these receptors (binding to them by chemical attraction).

Buying CBD: what is the benefit for the management of high blood pressure?

The action of CBD Bud Shops near me and other “useful” cannabinoids in legal cannabis is expressed on several levels.

  • The sublingual route, which consists of depositing a few drops of CBD Flower near me oil under the tongue, allows you to feel the effects of the molecule almost immediately, barely a few minutes after taking it, too little that the dose is sufficient.
  • The oral route, which consists of ingesting products containing CBD, dilutes and delays the effects of cannabinoids for several hours;
  • The topical routeshould be reserved for consumers who wish to relieve muscle or joint pain, soothe redness or inflammation of the skin, etc. ;
  • The respiratory tract, using an appropriate CBD vaporizer, guarantees rapid effects. Please note: we strongly advise against smoking CBD flowers. Vaporization is different, in that it does not lead to the combustion of cannabinoids.

Secondly, CBD, especially when it comes from a variety of Cannabis Indica type hemp, helps regulate the body’s response to stress and anxiety, two major risk factors for high blood pressure.

Stress and anxiety can indeed cause a temporary increase in your blood pressure, called ‘reactive hypertension’ or ‘exertional hypertension’. This response is due to the release of chemicals in your body like adrenaline and cortisol that increase heart rate and blood pressure. This response is normal and temporary, but if it becomes frequent and prolonged, it can cause damage to blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Also, CBD Flower near me and other cannabinoids of the Cannabis strain (excluding THC) improve the quality of sleep:

  • CBD flower from the Cannabisstrain accelerates the sleep phase to prevent insomnia problems;
  • By soothing stress, anxiety and pain, CBD promotes healthy and restful sleep;
  • According to this study relayed by PubMed, CBD would help relieve REM sleep disorders, in particular sudden awakenings, muscle spasms and nocturnal verbalization (talking in sleep).

Sleep allows the body to relax, with a physiological drop in blood pressure. Sleep disorders, but also lack of “behavioral” sleep, deprive the body of this rest, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, with a risk of chronicity. Finally, lack of sleep can increase levels of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can also increase blood pressure.

Buying CBD for hypertension: what can be the side effects?

Like all supplements, cannabidiol can cause some side effects when consumers exceed recommended doses. As you will see, the most common side effects are mild and temporary:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Tired:
  • Drowsiness;
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness;
  • Skin irritation;
  • Increase in perspiration.

It is important to note that CBD can interact with certain medications. So be sure to consult your doctor before taking CBD if you are on treatment.

Is buying CBD legal in France?

In accordance with European Decree No. 639 – 2014, CBD products (oil, flower, leaf, resin, cream, etc.) can be freely marketed and consumed in France, provided that their THC level is below 0, 2%, guarantee of absence of any psychotropic effect. The hemp products that we offer are 100% compliant with the regulations in force. You can therefore make your choice with complete peace of mind.

Unlike THC, a molecule that is also found in the hemp plant, CBD is not a psychotropic. Consumption of oil, flowers, or products containing cannabidiol or other “helpful” cannabinoids (non-THC) does not cause a high or intoxication and does not pose a risk of addiction. This is also the position of the Scientific Committee of the World Health Organization, which is based on clinical data.

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